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Smilesalot's QA
Hello, my name is Samantha (Sam)

1 Have you got Epilepsy?
I have non-epileptic seizures and temporal lobe epilepsy
2 When were you first diagnosed?
I was diagnosed on 1/23/01.
3 What type of Epilepsy do you have?
I have grand mal seizures
4 What medication do you currently take?
I am currently taking neurontin 1800mg daily, zoloft 75mg, and ativan .5mg (decreased from 4 mg, woo-hoo!) I first started with tegretol when I had my seizures, it had horrible side effects and my neurologist at the time kept increasing the med. as my seizures increased to 10 per day until finally I was on the highest dose and my neurologist threw her hands up in the air and sent me for a sleep deprived eeg, since then I've been on the neurontin which has hardly any side effects for me except drowsiness.
5 Any other info you want to share?
When I was first diagnosed, I had to have 2 eeg's with those flashing lights, and that totally set me off into a seizure with an extreme headache. When I was coming home from the hospital after my sleep deprived eeg, I had to wear sunglasses, a hat, and sometimes a blanket over my head constantly because the light bothered me so much I would go into a seizure. I couldn't watch TV, the curtains had to be closed so that my place of dwelling looked like a cave. It took like 6 months for me to slowly introduce myself more and more to light through therapy. Even now, certain kinds of light still bother me. I thought I was the only one who had this, I felt like such a loner!